Is a Vitamix A3500 Worth It? – My Honest Review

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Vitamix is one of the most well-known brand names in the world of small kitchen appliances. After much deliberation and research, I decided to purchase my own Vitamix blender. I have used this machine for the past 4 years, so I wanted to do a deep dive review and update on my experience with the model I purchased- The Vitamix A3500.

If you’ve landed on this page, you’re probably wondering, is a Vitamix A3500 worth it? That’s the question we’re answering in this post.

Bottom Line: Is the Vitamix A3500 Worth It?

If you want the bottom line without reading my full review, the Vitamix A3500 is a powerful machine that can blend a variety of foods. I’ve owned this machine for four years and to this date, I have no regrets about making this purchase. I absolutely feel the Vitamix A3500 is worth it if it is in your budget.

Let me tell you it took me a LONG time to bite the bullet and invest in this machine. I basically read every review on the internet and every video you could possible watch on YouTube just to “make sure” I really wanted it. And to be fair, I think I really needed to learn all about the blender before investing in it. 

It’s definitely not a cheap machine. The cost was the main reason it took me so long to buy it and why I’m sure many of you are hesitating about buying it as well. Well, after much debate, many hours reading review after review, and discussing it with my husband, we took the plunge and become owners of the Vitamix A3500. 

After four years, I’ve had the chance to really break it in and learn what I like and dislike about the machine. In this review, I will walk you through my full review of the Vitamix A3500.

Vitamix A3500 Overview

Vitamix Ascent Series

As previously mentioned, we purchased the Vitamix Ascent 3500 (A3500). The Ascent line is Vitamix’s newest line of products. This series is distinguished from other Vitamix models by their bluetooth capability and self-detect containers. These self-detect containers have a chip that the base of the machine reads. This allows the machine to recognize which container is currently in place and adjust the settings of the machine based on the container.

Vitamix A3500 blender with bananas and bowl of lemons in background
Vitamix A3500 Blender

Ascent Models

There are 4 models of the Ascent line, the A2300, A2500, A3300, and A3500. Based on my research, the models are pretty much identical in terms of their performance but as you make your way up the list from A2300 to the A3500, they add some new features. These include a touch screen, specific settings like hot soup and self-clean, and stainless steel exteriors. 

As an example, when comparing the Vitamix A2500 vs A3500, the A3500 has a touch screen and five pre-programmed settings (see below), whereas the the A2500 has a switches to start/stop and pulse the machine as well as 3 pre-programmed settings (smoothies, hot soups, and frozen desserts).

Vitamix Ascent 3500

I chose the model with the most features, the A3500. I had no idea if I’d regret not having the features it offers. The A3500 has 5 pre-programmed settings: smoothies, frozen desserts, hot soups, spreads, and self-cleaning. It also has a timer and stainless steel exterior (which are only offered in the A3300 and A3500). 

Vitamix Ascent 3500 Pros:


This machine is seriously so good looking! I think Vitamix has come a long way in the appearance of their blenders. As silly as it is to care so much about the way a blender looks, I wanted to leave it on my counter without it being an eye sore.

The A3500 comes in multiple color options that come in either a stainless steel or plastic exterior. I love that there are so many different options because it makes it easy to match your other appliances.  

I chose to purchase the black stainless steel exterior, and it looks so stylish sitting on the counter. This is especially great because it is heavy, and I would hate to have to move it in and out of a cabinet all the time.

Blending Capabilities

Honestly, I couldn’t have asked for much more in terms of the performance of this machine. The A3500 is so powerful. I can make smoothies that are of the same quality as a smoothie shop. No leftover spinach pieces. No chewing on fruit seeds. It also handles thick consistencies well, but you will have to use the tamper it comes with to keep the food moving. 

Pre-Programmed Settings

With 5 pre-programmed settings, it really takes away a lot of the guesswork when trying to figure out how to use the blender. I personally don’t know that I really needed all the pre-programmed features because I have yet to use the soup feature or the spread feature, but I can definitely see the benefit if those are the types of foods you make often. I use the smoothie, frozen dessert, and self-cleaning feature all the time though!  


The A3500 comes with a 64 oz container so you have tons of space to make a large amount of whatever you are blending. For some people this may be too big or they may want to use their other things besides strictly blending. If this is the case, Vitamix sells a bunch of attachments that are Bluetooth enabled so they can communicate with the blender base and function accordingly.

Some of the attachments are personal size blending cups, dry grains containers, and a muddling aerodisc container to make cocktails. Vitamix also recently came out with a food processor attachment, and stainless steel container for those wanting to avoid plastic.

Another feature that I have yet to use is connecting the machine to the Vitamix app. If you use recipes from the app, your Vitamix will sync up with the app and blend based on the recipe. How cool is that?


Vitamix must really believe in this machine because it is backed by a 10-year limited warranty. The warranty is one of the big reasons I felt comfortable purchasing this machine. I have some peace knowing that as long as I don’t do anything crazy with my blender, I don’t have to worry about losing out on my money after a year or two of use. 

Vitamix Ascent 3500 Cons:


The blender itself is pricey, and if you choose to purchase some of the attachments, you have to factor that into the total cost as well. 

Purchasing a Vitamix is an investment, but I really think this is a situation where you get what you pay for. The quality these machines provide take a lot of time and effort so I do feel the cost is justified.

Lack of Container Customization with Initial Purchase:

The A3500 comes with a 64 oz plastic container and some people may wish they could choose a different (i.e. smaller) container to come with it. This container probably is the best option they could offer considering that the capacity allows for you to make a lot in one blending cycle.

If you tend to only blend for one or two people, the 64 oz container might be a little bigger than necessary. That being said, Vitamix does sell smaller containers.


The A3500 is fairly heavy, weighing in at almost 19 lb. I do, however, think the weight is totally justified considering the high power and performance of this machine. This has not been an issue to me because I keep it stored on the counter, but if you are planning on constantly moving it in and out of a cabinet, you should be aware of the weight. 

Vitamix A3500 FAQs

What is the Difference Between the Vitamix A3300 vs A3500?

The Vitamix A3300 and A3500 are very similar machines. Both machines come in stainless steel exteriors, and both have touch screens. These are features that are not included in the A2300 and A2500. The A2300 and A2500 have switches to start/stop and pulse the machine instead of touch screen buttons for these functions on the A3300 and A3500. 

The main difference between the A3300 and A3500 is that A3300 does not come with any pre-programmed settings. The pre-programmed settings are not necessary but can make blending easier because they automatically adjust the time and speed. If you don’t mind doing this manually, the A3300 should be adequate for you. 

How Tall is the Vitamix A3500?

The Vitamix A3500 is 17 inches tall. This means it should fit under most standard cabinets, which are typically hung 18 inches above the countertop.

Which Vitamix is Best for Vegans?

I share a lot of vegan recipes on my site and love to make dairy-free alternatives for common recipes. A Vitamix is a perfect machine for vegans because it can handle many of the recipes and techniques commonly used in vegan cooking.

For example, many cheese alternatives require blending cashews. You need a high-power machine to get a smooth texture without adding a ton of liquids. Most Vitamix models fit the bill here as they all are high-powered machines. I find myself using my A3500 for all sorts of vegan recipes and I suspect you will too. The ability to make a perfectly smooth smoothie alone makes the Vitamix worth it to me.

What Accessories Should I Get for My Ascent Series Vitamix?

I have purchased a few accessories for my Vitamix that I love and use frequency.

The first is the under blade scraper, which I HIGHLY recommend. It’s basically a long silicone spatula; however the bottom scraper blade is oriented horizontally so you can easily scrape extra food from under the blades. This results in much less food waste which is better for the environment and your wallet.

Under blade scraper and tamper
Vitamix Accessories: Under blade scraper (left) and tamper (right)

The second accessory I purchased was the blending bowl and cup starter kit. This kit comes with the blending blade base, a 20 oz blending cup and lid, and an 8 oz blending bowl and lid. The 20 oz cup is the perfect size for making individual smoothies. It also features a flip-top lid which makes it easy to sip on the go. The 8 oz lid is perfect for making small batches of things such as sauces and purees.

Vitamix blending bowl starter kit showing blade base, 20 oz cup and lid, 8 oz bowl and lid, and bowl of lemons in background
Vitamix blending bowl and cup starter kit

Vitamix has many other accessories that I have yet to try but these are the ones I have personally used and have found to be very useful.

My Final Thoughts

So there you have it! This was my honest review, and to answer the question, is the Vitamix A3500 worth it? Yes, I think so. I don’t use all the features that the A3500 offers, but overall I have no regrets with this purchase. I really think I would be happy with any of the Ascent models as they are all capable of high-performance blending. After two years of using this machine I have to say that I am very happy with my purchase. I will probably be a Vitamix customer for years to come.

I hope this review helps you decide whether the Vitamix A3500 is the right blender for you. If you’ve purchased a Vitamix, please add your comments down below. I know these types of reviews were so helpful for me when I was debating my purchase and I bet a lot of you have some helpful tips and insights! Thank you so much for visiting. Until next time!


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