29 Best Healthy Snacks to Eat with Your Coffee


You wake up for the day and the first thing you do is walk to your kitchen. You open your cabinet and pull out your dark roast coffee beans to make your morning coffee. While the coffee is brewing you look around your pantry and refrigerator to decide what to eat with your coffee. The problem is, you recently decided you want to start eating more healthy alternatives to the coffee cake you normally pair with your coffee. So what should you have? Well, coffee lovers rejoice! In this post, you will learn 9 healthy snacks that go great with coffee. 

White mug containing a latte. There are hands holding the mug pouring the milk into the mug to create latte art of a heart.

Benefits of Coffee

First, let’s talk about some of the health benefits of coffee. Over the years, researchers have found benefits of coffee on multiple health conditions. Some of these benefits include improved blood sugar levels (1), improved heart health, and decreased risk of stroke. 

Even if you are sensitive to caffeine and prefer decaf coffee, a 2014 study showed that both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee is associated with a decreased incidence of type 2 diabetes.

The jury is still out on the effect of coffee on Alzheimer’s disease risk and the effect of coffee on blood pressure. A recent study conducted in 2018 showed no association between coffee consumption and Alzheimer’s disease risk. Another 2012 meta-analysis did not show a significant association between coffee intake and blood pressure.

Coffee is acidic and has caffeine that can stimulate your gastrointestinal tract. You may have experienced this if your morning cup of Joe made you have to use the restroom. Coffee can additionally increase stomach acid production due to its caffeine content.

Many people report suffering from stomach upset if coffee is consumed on an empty stomach. Although the research has not supported a clear association between coffee consumption and stomach upset, some people do report such symptoms. You should seek out advice from your doctor about these symptoms. 

Why You Should Consume Coffee with a Snack

While you may be running out the door in the morning, it is worth taking the time to grab a healthy breakfast. Often touted as the most important meal of the day, skipping breakfast has been associated with an increased risk for diabetes and mental health distress. An additional benefit is that it may also curb unplanned snacking later in the morning.

Traditional Coffee Pairings

Traditionally, coffee is often enjoyed with a sweet pastry or dessert. Part of this reason is that coffee is, on its own, bitter. Adding a little sweetness to the flavor profile can help to balance out this bitterness. Just think about how well coffee works as an ice cream flavor. 

Walk into most coffee shops and you will see an assortment of such treats like croissants, and coffee cake. While it is certainly okay to enjoy a delicious treat here and there, the dietary guidelines for Americans recommends limiting added sugar intake and reducing saturated fats. Unfortunately most of these common pastries are packed with both saturated fat and added sugars. 

The good news is there are plenty of healthy alternatives to these more traditional coffee pairings that can still delight your taste buds. Next, I will share with you some easy, healthy things to eat with coffee.

Healthy Snacks that Pair Well With Coffee 

1. Fresh Fruit

The sweetness of fruit makes it a great pairing for coffee because it offsets the bitterness of coffee. Berries in particular go well with coffee as some coffees even have a berry-like undertone. 

2. Dark Chocolate

If you still want that “sweet treat” to go with your coffee, dark chocolate makes a great option. Dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants that has benefits for cardiovascular risk and risk for diabetes.

Dark chocolate on a white background. The front portion of the bar has been finely chopped.

3. Hard-Boiled Egg

Hard-boiling your eggs are a great way to make an on-the-go snack to have with your morning coffee. It is also a good source of protein. One egg has 70 calories and 6g of protein. 

4. Whole Wheat Toast with Peanut Butter

There is something about coffee and peanut butter that go well together. Pair this spread with a slice of whole wheat toast to add some fiber. Fiber helps with feeling full and prevents constipation. 

5. Greek Yogurt

Choose unsweetened, non-fat greek yogurt if your are looking to eat more lean protein. You can even add some sweetness with fresh berries and a small drizzle of maple syrup to make a yogurt parfait. Non-fat greek yogurt is a great source of lean protein, boasting ~17g per 6oz serving (It also makes a great substitute for sour cream).

6. Nuts

Nuts contain healthy fats and fiber that can keep you fuller for longer and pair quite well with coffee. Be careful on portion size though. For most nuts, a serving size is 1/4 cup and contains about 180-200 calories per serving.

Small glass jar knocked on its side. It is spilling out almonds. In the background, there is a white towel.

7. Cheese Omelet

For those who prefer savory breakfasts, eggs can be a great option. Not only are they a good source of protein, but they also are one of the few good sources of dietary choline. This is a particularly important nutrient for pregnant women because it is known to be an important nutrient for baby’s brain development.

8. Oatmeal

This classic breakfast is great due to its fiber content and versatility. You can add fruit and nuts to give it more flavor and give a nutritional boost! 

9. Apple with String Cheese

Cheese and fruit are delicious together and this pairing will compliment the bitterness and acidity of your coffee well. 

10. Whole Wheat Bagel with Cream Cheese

Ideally, you want to purchase bagels made with whole wheat flour. These will help you avoid that carb crash by increasing the amount of fiber. 

11. Rice Cake with Almond Butter

This is an easy and healthy snack you can easily make during your coffee break at work. You only need two simple ingredients that you can keep in the break room at work to have as a quick snack any time of day. 

12. Chia Pudding

This easy, no-cook treat is thick and creamy like pudding, but is made with chia seeds. The chia seeds become thick and slightly gelatinous when mixed with a liquid like coconut milk. This creates the pudding-like consistency chia pudding is known for. There are so many great variations of chia pudding. You can keep it simple by sweetening it with a little bit of maple syrup, or you can make a chocolate chia pudding and add toppings like nuts or chocolate chips. 

There is a small glass bowl filled with a layer of jam, then chia pudding, then topped with frozen berries and a drizzle of berry syrup.

13. Cottage Cheese with Canned Peaches

Cottage cheese is an often overlooked food, but it actually pairs very well with fruit like strawberries or canned peaches. This is one of the highest protein snacks on this list, boasting 23 g of protein per cup. This snack will help you sustain your energy levels much better than a sugary pastry made with white flour. 

14. Chocolate and Peanut Butter Stuffed Dates

This is one of my favorite sweet treats to have with coffee. These dates are stuffed with dark chocolate and peanut butter, which makes them reminiscent of a peanut butter cup. Dates are a great healthy sweet snack because they are actually lower on the glycemic index, in spite of their rich caramel-like sweetness. 

There are 6 stuffed dates with peanut butter and chocolate lined up in a zig zag formation going from the front to the back of the picture. They are sitting on a background of crumpled parchment paper. Each date is sprinkled with flaky sea salt and chopped chocolate, some of which has spilled on the parchment paper.

15. Trail Mix

The options are endless when it comes to trail mix. You can use any combination of nuts, dried fruits, and even some sweet treats like chocolate chips or Reese’s Pieces. 

16. Pear Slices with Cashew Butter

This is a yummy variation of apple and peanut butter but still pairs very nicely with coffee. 

17. Granola Bar

I love this healthy snack idea because granola bars provide a similar sweet tooth satisfaction that you might get from coffee cake, but with healthier ingredients. Granola bars are usually made with oats, nuts and seeds, and other whole grains, which provides more nutritional value than white flour and sugar. 

18. Popcorn

Coffee and popcorn actually make a great combination because the butter and saltiness in popcorn helps to cut the strong bitter coffee flavor. 

Bowl containing popcorn.

19. Graham Crackers Spread with Peanut Butter and Bananas

This is a very simple snack that will satisfy your sweet craving due to the subtle sweetness of the graham crackers mixed with peanut butter. 

20. Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Banana Bites

These are so easy to make. All you need to do is slice up a banana, spread a little peanut butter between two slices, and dip them in melted dark chocolate. Place them on wax paper or parchment and freeze them until the chocolate is set and then you can enjoy them! It’s not ice cream, but the frozen bananas can make a great substitution. 

21. Avocado Toast

Avocado toast is popular for a reason. This versatile food can act as a snack or meal depending on the toppings you add. My favorite ways to eat avocado toast is topped with radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers and a fried egg. You can also keep it simple and just sprinkle your avocado toast with a bit of salt and pepper. You can use any bread but I prefer whole wheat bread or sourdough bread as a base for this yummy snack. 

There are 4 slices of avocado toast topped with spinach and cherry tomatoes.

22. Chocolate Covered Almonds

Almonds have several health benefits. They are a good source of dietary fiber, and they are known to support brain health and a healthy weight

23. Yogurt Covered Raisins

Yogurt covered raisins add an extra boost of sweetness to raisins, which makes them a perfect balance to coffee’s strong flavors. 

24. Strawberries and Whipped Cream

This is such an easy snack to make. You can use canned whipped cream, or make it yourself.

25. Overnight Oats

​Overnight oats are a great on-the-go snack because you can make them then night before and they are ready to grab in the morning. There are endless ways to make overnight oats. You can add nuts, spices, a little honey or maple syrup, and either fresh or dried fruit. 

There is small mason jar filled with chocolate overnight oats that contains a layer of banana slices in the middle. It is topped with nut butter, chopped almonds, and grapes.

26. Roasted Chickpeas

Roasted chickpeas are a great snack to pair with coffee, especially if they are seasoned with sweeter spices like cinnamon. 

27. Whole Grain Waffles with Almond Butter and Cacao Nibs

​Spread a waffle with a thin layer of almond butter (or other nut butter), and sprinkle with cinnamon and cacao nibs. This is one of my favorite healthy breakfast foods to have with coffee.

28. Chicken Salad Sandwich

Chicken salad is often made with chopped nuts, celery, and a fruit like grapes or green apple. These ingredients, along with cold chopped chicken and a few spices are then coated in a creamy dressing and served in artisan bread or a croissant. The combination of sweet and savory ingredients pairs remarkably well with coffee. An added bonus is that chicken salad sandwiches are a great source of protein, offering 24 g of protein per 180 g sandwich. If you need a midday energy boost to get you through a long day, this is a great option.

29. Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Sweet strawberries covered with rich dark chocolate feels like such an indulgence, but is a great healthy sweet treat.

What Are the Best Healthy Coffee Drinks?

Ideally it is better to go with a sugar free or lower sugar coffee beverage. Consider a plain black coffee like drip coffee, and americano, or cold brew. If you hate black coffee, you can add a splash of milk or almond milk. You can also go with an unsweetened cappuccino or a non-fat latte. Most of the sugar in coffee and espresso drinks comes from flavored syrups.

There is a glass in the center of the image that contains iced coffee and round ice cubes. In the background, there is a small succulent in a cream colored vase, as well as a glass jar containing coffee beans. There are coffee beans that are scattered on the ground around the glass.

If you are itching for something sweet, consider pairing your coffee with one of the sweeter snack options above. 

If you really do want to indulge in a more indulgent snack such as a piece of coffee cake, a delicious muffin or a rich slice of chocolate cake, this is a great time to order an unsweetened coffee drink. The sweet treat makes a great coffee pairing because it offsets the bitterness from the coffee. 


I hope one of these healthy snack ideas will make the perfect match for your iced or hot cup of coffee. The next time you reach for your cup of coffee, consider one of these options for healthy alternatives to the traditional sugary coffee accompaniments. 

Please share in the comments what your favorite healthy snacks are to pair with coffee. 

Still Hungry? Try these recipes:

Vegan Banana Bread

Sourdough Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Sourdough Pumpkin Scones

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